Hi all asume no changes on the status of chinese JP 382. I did try those but I may have moved some things around after they didn't work.) Actually these setting may not match the ones on the blog. I got these settings from Kev Brook's excellent CNC Blog Thanks for that Kev. If any one has information on this board I'd appreciate any assistance. I know something has to be getting to the parallel port of this board because when I go to the port settings in Windows XP and hit apply the z axis of the mill moves very briefly. I did try the pinouts but I can't get anything to work in Mach3. There were pinouts for a parallel breakout but the pictures and description do not match my board, JP-382C. The mill was advertised as being compatible with Mach3 though the documentation was almost purely about the PlanetCNC software. It came with USB Motion Controller software by PlanetCNC, no doubt a non-legit version.

Hello, I recently purchased a Chinese CNC Mill off of ebay.